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Delaware Seashore State Park

We arrived at Delaware Seashore State Park on 5 November 2023 for six nights. You may remember that we've not been putting our kitchen slide out because we have to override the motor for it to work. Well we decided to put the slide out since we were there for so long. We left on Saturday the 11th, so we retracted the slide (by overriding) on Friday in case we needed a repair service. Thankfully it came right in with the override. We'll get it repaired in Jacksonville FL. We will arrive there on 21 November, so sometime during the month that we're there, we'll get it fixed at the place we bought our fifth wheel.

Sunset at Delaware Seashore 5 November 2023

We had made appointments in Easton for the next day (6th). Anita wanted to see her hair dresser and had an appointment at 9am. Steve wanted to see his dermatologist and had an appointment at 1pm. We left for Easton at 7am and managed to be on time for the 9am appointment. It was great to see Heather and catch up. It was also fun talking about our travels with other ladies and hearing about places they'd recommend seeing. After my hair appointment, my good friend Joanie picked me up and we went to Annapolis for lunch with my good friend Cynthia. It was a great time of catching up and lots of laughs. I kick myself for not getting a picture with Cynthia! Two hours went by like a second of time, and off we went without a picture.

Joanie and Anita went back to Easton around 2ish (after lunch). Joanie cooked a delicious meal and invited our good friends Steve and Virginia. So we had a Friendsgiving meal of turkey, brisket, crab dip, dressing, sour kraut, mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes. Steve and Virginia had brought a wonderful apple pie and ice cream for dessert! Needless to say, we were beyond stuffed! We hung out at Darrell's house till 10ish telling stories, laughing and catching up and got back to the camper around 11:30pm. We were exhausted after leaving at 7am that morning.

Virginia, her Steve, Darrell, Joanie and Anita 6 November 2023

My Steve, Virginia, her Steve, Darrell and Anita 6 November 2023

We got some incredible sunset pictures from Darrell's back deck after he had lost all his mature trees to a freak wind storm a month prior...

6 November 2023

6 November 2023

6 November 2023

On 7 November Anita spent the day on the computer paying annual bills and working on the blog. Before we knew it, it was time to go to Seaford DE, where we were meeting our good friends (and Steve's former neighbors in Easton) Dale and Laurie for dinner at Texas Roadhouse. It was so good to see them and catch up. Dale had texted Steve the weekend before and asked where we were. It turned out we were coming close enough to Easton for them to meet us for dinner in Seaford DE. We feel so blessed to have so many good friends.

7 November 2023

The next day we got a call from our good friends Kim and Mark (also former neighbors of Steve and our friends from church). Dale had invited them to come to Seaford the night before, but they couldn't make it. Anyway, Mark and Kim drove to our campground to see us on 9 November. We had a wonderful evening with them and again forgot to get a picture! It was such a great evening, before we knew it it was almost 11pm and they had the long drive back to Easton! Thankfully they made it home safely.

The rest of our time in Delaware, Steve washed our camper and did a little fishing near our campsite. The whole time we were there, there were people fishing all along the shore on both sides of the inlet It was too inviting for Steve to pass up. He caught a few Togs, but no keepers.

9 November 2023

9 November 2023

On our last day in Delaware, we got to see our good friends Patty and her mom Pat. Pat lives in Bethany Beach DE, and Patty got in on Friday 10 November, to spend time with her mom, so we got to have dinner with them in Bethany Beach at Pat's house. It was a great time catching up, again seeing almost midnight with our time together going by so fast!

10 November 2023

9 November 2023

November 2023

November 2023

Leaving Delaware 11 November 2023

Leaving Delaware 11 November 2023

Our leaf peeping being all but over, we're making our way to Florida for most of the winter. With the current war events going on, our Holy Land Trip will likely be postponed, if not cancelled all together, so our plans for the end of Jan and early Feb 2024 are up the the air.

Our next stops are North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, then Florida. We miss our friends the most with our traveling, so it was really great seeing all the friends we got to see.

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